United States

Our guidelines ensure a safe, respectful, and positive Luxium experience for all users.
They apply to everyone, including Luxium employees and contractors. Failure to comply
may result in access loss. Report violations to Luxi LLC D/B/A “Luxium” at

Guidelines applicable to everyone

All individuals must adhere to Luxi LLC’s Community Guidelines, encompassing three
fundamental principles: (a) treating everyone with respect, (b) contributing to mutual
safety, and (c) abiding by the law.

Show respect to all

Your conduct impacts others’ safety and comfort. Be punctual, avoid shouting,
swearing, and slamming doors. Take responsibility for your surroundings. Exercise
good judgment and decency, akin to any public space.
Luxium promotes anti-racist values, creating a safe and inclusive environment. Respect
diversity and refrain from discrimination, which may lead to access revocation.

Physical Contact

Avoid touching strangers or individuals you just met while using Luxium’s service,
except for limited exceptions such as providing physical assistance to those who
need it. Any form of harm or intention to hurt others is strictly prohibited.

Sexual Assault and Misconduct

Respect personal space and privacy during interactions. While chatting is acceptable,
avoid commenting on appearance or asking personal questions. Sexual assault and
misconduct, involving any form of sexual contact without explicit consent, are strictly

Examples of inappropriate conduct include:

● Asking personal questions about relationship status or sexual orientation
● Commenting on appearance in a derogatory or “complimentary” manner
● Making explicit comments or gestures
● Flirting, including nonverbal or suggestive actions
● Displaying indecent material

Luxium enforces a no-sex rule, regardless of consent or acquaintance.

Threatening and/or Rude Behavior

Prohibit aggressive, confrontational, or harassing behavior. Avoid using disrespectful,
discriminatory, threatening, or inappropriate language, gestures, or actions.

Post-Trip Contact

Contact should cease after the completion of the trip or delivery, except for returning
lost items. Unwanted contact, without mutual consent, is considered harassment and
includes texting, calling, social media contact, visiting, or attempting to visit someone
in person after completing a trip or delivery.


Luxium does not tolerate racist or discriminatory conduct. Discrimination based on
protected traits, such as race, ethnicity, age, disability, gender identity, marital status,
pregnancy, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, language, or geographical
location, is strictly prohibited.

Avoid making racial comments or using slurs, as they are never allowed as part of the Luxium

Damage to Property

Any form of property damage is strictly prohibited. This includes damaging the
vehicle or any other mode of transportation requested through the Luxium service,
breaking or vandalizing a phone or tablet, intentionally spilling food or drink,
smoking in a car, damaging a merchant’s premises, or vomiting due to excessive
alcohol consumption or otherwise. If you cause damage to property or cause a
significant mess that prohibits the chauffeur from completing more trips, you are

responsible for covering the costs of cleaning and repair fees, excluding normal
wear and tear. Intentional damage may lead to suspension of further rides.
Cleaning fees are determined by the Luxium team.

People under the age of 18

To create a Luxium account, individuals must be at least 18 years of age. Account holders
are prohibited from requesting rides or deliveries for individuals under the age of 18 unless
accompanied by the account holder or another adult during the journey. These age
restrictions are applicable unless otherwise specified by local regulations, terms, or policies.
Additional Passengers and Non-Account clients

While using Luxium for transportation, only the chauffeur, the requesting client, and the
client’s guests are permitted in the vehicle. These guidelines remain in effect unless
overridden by local guidelines, terms, or other policies. The individual who booked the
ride assumes responsibility for the conduct of their entire party. If you request a ride for
another adult, you are accountable for their behavior throughout the trip.

Vehicle information

To facilitate convenient pickups, Luxium provides clients with pertinent details about
chauffeurs, including their license plate number, vehicle make and model, profile picture,
and name. It is mandatory for chauffeurs to conduct trips solely using approved

Seat Belt Usage and Dashcams

It is mandatory for every chauffeur and client, including those in the back seat, to always
wear seat belts. clients should ensure that the requested vehicle has enough seat belts
for everyone in their party. chauffeurs reserve the right to decline a ride if there are
insufficient seat belts for all clients.

Use of Dashcams Recording Video and/or Audio

chauffeurs have the option to install and use dashcams to record rides, providing
evidence to Luxium, law enforcement, or insurance companies in case of incidents
during a ride. Both chauffeurs and clients may also use their phones to record rides.

Note the following:
In certain locations, local laws and regulations may require client consent to
recording and/or advance notification of recording. It is essential to check
local laws to understand responsibilities.
chauffeurs may choose to submit recordings to Luxium, and the company will
review the footage, taking action in line with Community Guidelines and
platform terms of use.

Sharing or streaming a person’s image or audio/video recording on social
media or other public platforms, digital or physical, violates our Community
Guidelines and may trigger further investigation by our safety team.

Emergency Situations
In the event of an emergency or immediate danger, it is crucial to first alert
local authorities or emergency services before notifying Luxium.

Follow the law
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is a fundamental requirement for
everyone using the Luxium service. Any use of the service to engage in criminal
activities, such as drug transportation, money laundering, human trafficking, or the
exploitation of children, is strictly prohibited.

Compliance with All Laws
Our commitment is to follow all relevant laws, earning your trust, and we expect every
user of the Luxium service to be aware of and adhere to applicable laws and
regulations. This includes traffic laws, airport rules and regulations where applicable,
and general rules of the road. Users are responsible for understanding and obeying
all laws, including airport rules and regulations at airports, and road rules, signs, and
signals while using the Luxium service.

Ensuring that all chauffeurs and delivery personnel possess up-to-date licenses,
permits, and other legal documents is mandatory. For instance, chauffeurs using a
vehicle must comply with legal requirements, including maintaining a valid chauffeur’s
license, insurance, and vehicle registration. We assess reports of accidents, traffic
citations, and other incidents that may indicate poor, unsafe, or distracted driving.

Local regulations on parking must be followed, and chauffeurs should be aware that

stopping in bike lanes or blocking accessibility ramps may violate the law.

Client Conduct

For clients, it is important to let the chauffeur or delivery person handle the driving.
clients should not request chauffeurs to exceed speed limits or make illegal stops,
drop-offs, or maneuvers.

Car Seats

Both chauffeurs and clients must comply with applicable laws when traveling with
infants and small children. If the use of a car seat is mandated by law, it is the client’s
responsibility to ensure that the car seat is properly installed, unless local guidelines
or policies state otherwise. clients must request and pay for a car seat for their ride
prior to the ride being initiated to ensure safety. Children aged 12 and under should
travel in the back seat. If a child does not meet the height and weight safety
requirements for the car seat or if the chauffeur deems the transportation unsafe, the
chauffeur has the right to cancel the ride.

Service Animals and Assistive Devices

Denying a ride to a client with a service animal or assistive device due to the
presence of such accommodations is against the law. Luxium maintains a policy in
line with legal requirements. clients are allowed to transport assistive devices and
animals, whether pets or service animals, pursuant to the terms and limitations of the
applicable law.

Drugs and alcohol

Drug use and open containers of alcohol are never allowed while using the Luxium
service. If a client is too drunk or rowdy, chauffeurs have the right to decline the trip
for their own safety.

If you are a client and suspect that your chauffeur may be under the influence of drugs or
alcohol, kindly request the chauffeur to end the trip immediately. Exit the vehicle and dial
911 for assistance. After leaving the vehicle, please promptly report the incident to Luxi LLC.

Firearms Prohibition

clients, their guests, as well as chauffeurs and delivery personnel, are forbidden from
carrying firearms while utilizing the Luxium service, in accordance with applicable law.

Deception undermines trust and can pose safety risks. Intentionally providing false
information or assuming someone else’s identity, particularly during sign-in or security
checks, is strictly prohibited. Accuracy is crucial when reporting incidents, managing your
Luxium accounts, disputing charges or fees, and requesting credits. Request fees or
refunds only if entitled, and use offers and promotions as intended. Avoid knowingly
completing invalid transactions.

Fraudulent activities encompass, but are not limited to:
● Deliberately inflating the time or distance of a trip or delivery for fraudulent purposes.
● Accepting trip requests without the intention to complete, including encouraging clients
to cancel for fraudulent purposes.
● Creating dummy accounts for fraudulent purposes.
● Claiming fraudulent fees or charges, such as false cleaning fees.
● Intentionally requesting, accepting, or completing fraudulent or falsified trips.
● Actions intended to disrupt or manipulate the normal functioning of the Luxium service,
including manipulating phone settings to hinder platform and GPS system functionality.
● Abusing promotions or not using them for their intended purpose.
● Disputing charges for fraudulent or illegitimate reasons.
● Creating improper duplicate accounts.
● Falsifying documents, records, or other data for fraudulent purposes.

Street Hails and Off-Platform Pickups

To enhance safety, off-platform pickups are strictly prohibited. Street hails while using the
Luxium service are illegal, so avoid soliciting or accepting payment outside the Luxium
service website. clients should refrain from paying for trips in cash and should not request
trips from chauffeurs outside the Luxium service website.


Luxium is committed to strict compliance with the regulations outlined in the Florida Legal
Statutes. Consequently, we enforce a zero-tolerance policy for drug and alcohol use among
chauffeurs utilizing the Luxium platform for service provision. Should you have reason to believe
that a chauffeur is impaired by drugs or alcohol, kindly request to conclude the trip immediately.
Subsequently, please contact 911 or your local non-emergency assistance line. Additionally,
report any violations of this policy to Luxium via email at For
immediate assistance, feel free to reach our 24/7 customer care hotline at US +1-800-987-0110.

Your Feedback is Valued

Whether your experience is positive or negative, we encourage you to share it with us. Our
team constantly enhances our standards, and your feedback is crucial in ensuring their
relevance as our technology advances. Please take a moment to rate your experience at
the end of each trip. In case of incidents like traffic accidents that you wish to report, submit
an email to If you encounter an emergency or immediate
danger, prioritize alerting local authorities or emergency services before reaching out to


Both chauffeurs and clients can provide and receive ratings, along with offering feedback on
the trip experience. chauffeurs or clients falling below this minimum may lose access to
parts or all of the Luxium service. If your rating approaches this limit, we will notify you and
may share information to help improve your rating.

To maintain a high average rating, it’s beneficial to be courteous and respectful while using
the Luxium service and interacting within the Luxium community. Luxium chauffeurs typically
provide excellent service, and most clients are courteous, resulting in smooth trips. Please
note that contacting Support will not result in the removal of individual ratings. We
understand that sometimes trips may not go as planned, and your rating reflects an average

If you’re a chauffeur and you lose access to your Luxium account for low ratings, you
may have the opportunity to get back on the road if you meet eligibility requirements.
Trip acceptance

If you’re a chauffeur and wish to decline trip requests, you can simply go offline or log
off. chauffeurs inactive for one year must adhere to new applicant terms and must
submit a new application to resume accepting trip requests. Deliberately refusing or
canceling requests, or manipulating Luxi LLC features to avoid specific requests based
on protected characteristics or neighborhood characteristics, is prohibited.

Violation of Terms and Access Loss

Any breach of the terms within your contractual agreement(s) with Luxium or any applicable
terms, policies, including Code of Conduct, or additional communicated standards, may
result in the loss of access to all or part of the Luxium service. If you believe an error led to
your access being revoked, please reach out to the Luxium Support team.
Luxium gathers feedback through various channels and reviews reports submitted to our
Support team that potentially violate our Community Guidelines. We may conduct investigations when made
aware of potentially problematic behavior. If necessary, we will
contact you to address and investigate the reported issues. We may, at our sole discretion,
put a hold on your account or turn your account inactive until our review is complete.

Failure to adhere to any of our guidelines may lead to the loss of access to all or part of
the Luxium service. This includes reported violations of our Code of Conduct and certain
actions taken outside of the Luxium service process, such as information obtained from
other platforms. If we determine that these actions pose a threat to the safety of the
Luxium community, our employees, and contractors or cause harm to Luxium’s brand,
reputation, or business, access may be revoked. In cases of serious or repeated
reports, or if cooperation is refused, access to the Luxium’s service may be lost.

Any behavior involving discrimination, violence, sexual misconduct, harassment, fraud,
or engaging in deceptive, illegal, or unsafe activities while using the Luxium’s service
can result in immediate loss of access. Furthermore, when law enforcement is involved,
we will cooperate with their investigation in accordance with legal guidelines. Finally,
every chauffeur applying to use the Luxium service undergoes a screening process,
which includes checks on their motor vehicle record and criminal background. If any
issues relevant to their use of the Luxium service, in violation of criteria mandated by
local or state regulators, are uncovered during the motor vehicle record check, criminal
background check, or any other screening, the chauffeur will lose access to the Luxium

For more details, refer to our comprehensive Community Guidelines [here](link)
and Terms of Use for the United States [here](link).

*Note: chauffeurs are not representatives (actual, ostensible, or otherwise) or
employees of Luxi LLC D/B/A “Luxium”. They operate as independent
third-party providers.